STEM Semester Workshop InformationIntroductory Scratch/MakeBlock Robot Programming
Grades: 2-4 March 21 and 28 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Room #: ATS 230 Instructors: Dr. Abdullah Wahbeh Mr. Jorge Balerdi Scratch is a free programming language , specifically designed for children, for creating your own interactive stories, games, and animations. Students will work on creating a game using Scratch. In addition they will be programming the MakeBlock robot using the Scratch programming environment with LED, Sonar, Light and other sensors. Advanced Scratch/MakeBlock Ultimate Robot Programming
Grades: 3-6 Mar. 21 and 28 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 p.m. Room #: ATS 224 Instructors: Dr. Sam R. Thangiah Students who have taken three or more of the introductory Scratch classes, or have experience with Scratch programming, will work on advanced Scratch concepts. All five hours will be dedicated to programming the MakeBlock Ultimate robot using LED, Sonar, Light, and its robotic arm. 3D Modeling Using SketchUp Tool Grades: 4-8
Mar. 21 and 28 12:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Room #: ATS 230 Instructors: Dr. Raed Seetan Dr. Sheheeda Manakadu SketchUp is a free 3D modeling software for drawing, designing, and rendering 3D objects. SketchUp offers a user-friendly interface to create interior design and architectural models by drawing lines and shapes, push and pull surfaces to turn an idea on paper into 3D printable model. Through a hands-on environment, students will learn the fundamentals of 3D modeling, and how to use SketchUp to create a simple 3D house in a web browser. Students will be also guided to create their own 3D models they like. Students who have taken this class before will work on advanced projects. C++ Programing Language Grades: 6-12
Mar. 21 and 28 12:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Room #: ATS 224 Instructor: Dr. Sam R. Thangiah C++ is one of the most important languages for computer science and cyber security. In this introductory class we will learn how to use Visual Studio 2019 to write C++ programs with variables, conditions and loops. |